Product Updates

What's new with Beacon?

Ready-Made Template Library


Creating compelling content can be a daunting task, especially when crafting lead magnets.

But imagine having access to a vast library of ready-made templates that streamline the writing process for you.

With just a few clicks, you can access fully designed templates tailored to your needs, saving you time and effort.

We're thrilled to introduce our Pro Template Library with Dozens of professionally designed Ready-Made templates to help you create captivating lead magnets effortlessly.

You can read more about them here.

Undo / Redo


It's not quite the DeLorean from Back To The Future but if you make a mistake in Beacon you can now recover what you lost.

Go back in time with Beacon's new undo / redo button.

Custom Fonts For Search Field


A little birdy told me that it would be just swell if they could change the font used in the search field of the resource library.

So you know what?

We did it! You can now change the font in question with a single click:

screenshot of the resource library editor with the 'fonts' option of the 'search' field highlighted

SEO Update For Lead Capture Forms


We just released an update that will prevent embedded lead capture forms from conflicting with your own page's tag heriarchy

Klaviyo Integration


If you're part of the Klaviyo crew then today is your lucky day!

Our latest integration means that you can now send any leads that you generate with Beacon directly into your Klaviyo account. Huzzah!

Klaviyo logo

Scheduled Maintenance


We will be performing some necessary maintenance on the Beacon servers this Thursday 20th October 2022 at 5am GMT (that's 12am Eastern Time).

During this time the Beacon dashboard and individual product editors will be unavailable for approximately 15 minutes.

If you are logged in to your Beacon account during the maintenance period then you will be automatically logged out. We expect this maintenance to last approximately 15 minutes.

All published lead magnets, lead capture forms and resource libraries will remain live and unaffected by this maintenance.

Additional Form Fields


Sometimes a little bit of information just isn't enough.

You can now collect additional information from visitors to your Resource Library.

screenshot of the resource library editor with the 'additional fields' options highlighted

In the opt-in settings screen just activate the additional fields and choose your own label.

This will then be displayed to visitors as below:

screenshot of the resource library showing the additional fields as a visitor will see

This functionality is currently only available in the Resource Library Builder but will be extended to the Lead Capture Editor soon.

Google Fonts Selector


Remember when you had to ask me to manually add new fonts to the system? Well the good news is that you don't have to ask any more - you can add any Google Font to your account instantly. Yay!

Just visit your account settings and install whichever fonts you need. There are thousands of those suckers so choose wisely.

screenshot showing the process of installing a google font in the beacon dashboard

Now don't go forgetting about me with your new found independence. A guy still likes to feel needed. Just check in once in a while is all I'm saying.


Have you ever added a link into your resource library and then needed to change it later? Yeah, I bet you have. Well - you can do that now! Click to edit the link or just double check to make sure it's ok. Up to you really.

screenshot of the resource library editor with the 'edit link' option highlighted

RTL For Library


You can now choose to display text in your Resource Library in the 'right to left' format. Just click this button, it's easy!

screenshot of the resource library editor with the 'rtl' option highlighted

New Fonts For June


Two new fonts to bring you so far this month:

Quicksand Font Sample
Gaegu Font Sample

All fonts are now available to use in the Beacon editor.

Japanese Fonts


We've expanded our collection of Japanese fonts:

Shippori Mincho Font Sample
Noto Serif JP Font Sample
Noto Sans JP Font Sample
M Plus 1 Font Sample
Kosugi Font Sample
Kosugi Maru Font Sample

All fonts are now available to use in the Beacon editor.

Permission Settings For Uploads


Our expansion of the permissions screen continues

You can now limit access to uploaded files:

screenshot of the permissions page with the uploads section highlighted

Encharge Integration


Well, these integrations aren't going to build themselves! Here's Encharge! Connect your accounts and automatically send leads from Beacon to Encharge.

Encharge logo

Display Rules


You can now prevent some Lead Capture forms from appearing on certain website pages.

Let's say that you have installed a Horizontal Bar on your website but you don't want it to appear on your pricing page or your signup pages.

No problem! Just set a display rule for that form so it won't load for certain URLs.

This video shows you how:

GDrive Integration (Beta)


You're not still using a Google Drive folder as a resource library are you?

Oh you are?! Sorry - didn't mean to judge but you know there's a better way, right?

Beacon's Resource Library provides a better experience for your audience and it allows you gather richer data for your business.

Today we're announcing the beta release of our new GDrive integration so you can quickly convert your less than ideal GDrive folder into a dynamic, searchable, embeddable Resource Library.

This video has the details:

Mailchimp Tags


Beacon now supports Mailchimp tags!

When you generate a lead with your Beacon Lead Capture form or Resource Library you can automatically apply a Mailchimp tag to that subscriber.

Invaluable for triggering automations and keeping your leads segmented. Huzzah!

Line Spacing for Text Cards


You now have more control over the spacing of text cards in the Beacon Lead Magnet Editor:

Add New Resource Library Filters Quickly


Adding new filter options in the resource library used to be a slow process. You would have to wait until your resources were in place, create the categories individually and then assign each resource to the relevant category.

You can now add multiple categories quickly before resources are added so it's a lot easier to get your library set up.

This video shows you how it works:



Another day, another new integration. This time it's Mailercloud. Connect your accounts and automatically send leads from Beacon to Mailercloud.

Mailercloud logo

'Sort' Filter for Resource Libraries


Your users can now sort the resources in your library into their preferred order:

  • Alphabetical (A-Z)
  • Alphabetical (Z-A)
  • Oldest First
  • Newest First

This now means that there are three different levels of filter to help your customers find what they're looking for.

Watch this video to see how the feature works:

Acumbamail Integration


Our integration with Acumbamail is now available to use for both Resource Libraries and Lead Capture Forms.

Acumbamail logo

VBout Integration


Our integration with VBout is now available to use for both Resource Libraries and Lead Capture Forms.

VBout logo

ActiveCampaign Tags


You wanted tags well now you have them!

If you're an ActiveCampaign customer you can now apply tags to any lead generated from a Beacon form. That includes Lead Capture forms and Resource Libraries.

This makes the integration more powerful so you can utilise tags to:

  • Segment subscribers in ActiveCampaign
  • Trigger ActiveCampaign automations
  • Utilize Conditional Content in your ActiveCampaign emails


New Permissions Settings


We just added more permission settings so you can now control team mate access to:

  • Sender Signatures
  • Third Party Integrations
screenshot of the user permissions feature in the Beacon dashboard

Perfect if you want to restrict a user's access to a certain integration or sender signature.

New Fonts for May


Two new fonts to bring you so far this month:

Mali Font Sample
Syne Font Sample

All fonts are now available to use in the Beacon editor.

Sendinblue Integration


Sendinblue has been one of the more popular integration requests in recent months so we're delighted to add this product to our list of integrations.

This integration is now available to use for both Resource Libraries and Lead Capture Forms. Enjoy!

Sendinblue logo

Firewatch Template


Ever play the video game Firewatch? It's a beautiful game that inspired this new template:

firewatch template

Available to use in your account today!

Video Card


You can now add videos from any source with our new Video Card.

Watch video demo

Background Gradients!


Want some fancy background gradients for your lead magnet? Of course you do!

It's now easy peasy to use background gradients in Beacon. Watch video demo

New Fonts for April


We just added the Righteous and Signika fonts to the Lead Magnet editor.

Look out for some new templates with these fonts coming soon!

Duplicate Templates


If you've got your lead magnet workflow dialled in then you're probably making extensive use of our 'convert to template' feature. Creating reusable templates is a real time saver and things just got even better as you can now duplicate existing templates.

So - create a master template, duplicate that and create and endless supply of reusable templates for client and in-house projects.

screenshot of the duplicate template feature in the Beacon dashboard

New Lead Magnet Templates


We just released three new templates - all of which make extensive use of photo grids so you can swap your own photos in quickly.

Burgers Template
Food Glorious Food Template
Meet You There Template

You can start using these templates today by selecting them from the 'create new lead magnet' screen.


While you have always been able to link inline images it was previously not possible to link images placed via the Image Card.

Well that changes today! Tell your friends, tell your neighbours, celebrate!

screenshot of the Beacon editor with the new link image feature

Deliver Lead Magnets From Your Own Email Address (Lead Capture)


When you send someone a lead magnet they expect it to come from your email address, not ours, right?!

Well, good news! We have now extended our Sender Signature feature to the Lead Capture product so you can make that delivery a little more personal.

screenshot of the sender signature feature in the lead capture interface

See this article for more information about setting up your own Sender Signatures.

Dashboard Redesign


You've probably noticed that things look a little different around here...

That's because we have completely redesigned the Beacon dashboard!

You see, when we launched Beacon we had only one product - now we have three so things had gotten a little messy. An updated dashboard means things will be easier to find and overall performance is improved.

As well as a fancy new look we've been able to include new functionality like:

  • A new 'Uploads' dashboard so you can manage all the resources you have uploaded to Beacon and even replace files if you need to.
  • A 'System Updates' section so you can keep track of all new updates and releases.
  • An 'Account Setup' guide so you can be sure that you're getting the most from your Beacon account.

There's a bunch of other small improvements to existing functionality as well that should make your life easier.

New SendGrid Integration


Our latest integration means that you can now automatically pass leads from Beacon to SendGrid. Enjoy!

Sendgrid logo

New Fonts for January


This month we're adding more support for Telugu fonts:

Noto Telugu Font Sample
Sree Krushnadevaraya Font Sample
Ramabhadra Font Sample

Overpass Fonts


You can now use the Overpass and Overpass Mono in Beacon Lead Magnets, Lead Capture Forms and Resource Libraries.

Overpass font sample

New Resource Library Templates


We just released 3 new Resource Library templates. Read the blog post for more info

Hub Tempalte
Fade Template

Manage File Uploads


This is a big one! You can now manage your file uploads in Beacon.

This means that you can:

  1. Delete uploaded resources from your account
  2. Publish uploaded resources to your custom domains.
  3. Replace an uploaded file with a different version.

Essentially you can now use Beacon to keep all your lead magnets in one place!

Resource Library Footers


By popular request you can now add footers to your Resource Library.

screenshot of the new resource library footer feature

Deliver Lead Magnets From Your Own Email Address (Resource Library)


I love announcing features that will make a big difference to our customers and this is definitely one of them!

You can now deliver lead magnets to your subscribers from your own email address.

Until now lead magnets were always delivered by our email address ( which is pretty confusing for your subscribers as they have no idea who Beacon is.

Best of all this feature is really easy to set up. Just create your Sender Signature in the account settings and then select it in the Resource Library opt-in screen. Full instructions here.

Sender Signatures currently work only with Resource Library. Support for Lead Capture forms is coming soon!

HubSpot Integration For Resource Library


We've been HubSpot partners for many years now and we're delighted to continue that relationship with our latest integration.

You can now add HubSpot files and blog posts to your Resource Library:

Screenshot of the HubSpot integration for Beacon's Resource Library.

This means that you don't have to create file duplicates in Beacon by reuploading resources that are already online. Instead, connect directly to your HubSpot account and add the original file to your new Resource Library. Easy.


It's not nice to play favourites but sometimes you need to show one of your lead magnets a little bit more love.

Our new 'featured resource' option in the Resource Library means that you can make one resource stand out over the rest:

screenshot of the featured resource item in the beacon resource library

Perfect if you want to draw attention to a new resource.

Resource Library Header Images


This one was requested a few times so who are we to say no?

You can now set a background image on your resource library mast so it could look nice like this:

screenshot of the beacon resource library background image

New Fonts for August


We just added the Castle T and Bauer Bodini fonts to the Lead Magnet editor.

Castle T Font Sample
Bauer Bodini Font Sample

Look out for some new templates with these fonts coming soon!

Resource Library: Update 7


In this update I tell you about:

  • How to customise the opt-in screen design
  • How to bulk-edit resources in your library
  • How you can get a notification when someone opts-in

Change Form Background Color (Resource Library)



You've always wanted to change the color of the form background in resource libraries, haven't you?!

Well now you can:

screenshot of the form edit control in Beacon

Improves Accessibility for Resource Libraries


People who don't use a mouse can now tab through the various menus in a published resource library.

Non-Latin Character Support


Better support for non-latin characters in Resource URLs

New Resource Library Product


Oh this is big.

This is bigger than big.

For months we've been working hard on a brand new product. Today we're delighted to announce the Beacon Resource Library Builder.

Use the Resource Library Builder to create your own library of gated content.

Upload your resources in any format and Beacon will automatically create a searchable library with dynamic filters, automatically generated thumbnails and instant opt-in forms.

No more juggling multiple pieces of software to keep your resource library up and running, just one tool to manage everything.

Pabbly & Integrately Integrations


Beacon now integrates with both Pabbly and Integrately so you can automatically send your leads to either platform.

Integrately logo

Resource Library: Update 6


It's been two months since our last update. Which means the Resource Library is nearly ready for launch. Eeeeek!

New Fonts for June


We just added the Averta, Maven and Old Standard fonts to the Lead Magnet editor.

Averta Font Sample
Old Standard Font Sample
Maven Font Sample

Resource Library: Update 5


In this update:

  • Password protected libraries
  • GDPR updates
  • The news you've all been waiting for...

Resource Library: Update 4


Updates this week include:

  • Disable opt-in forms on individual resources
  • Upload multiple files simultaneously
  • Improved search functionality
  • Select existing categories from a drop-down menu
  • Import meta data with URLs

Resource Library: Update 3


In this update I talk about:

  • Automatic thumbnail images for link resources
  • New customise menu
  • More control over text sizing, colors etc
  • Image thumbnail sizing
  • Hide page elements

Resource Library: Update 2


Quick rundown of all the updates we've made to the Resource Library product since my last video:

Resource Library: Update 1


We've decided to give video updates instead of boring text updates. Like this format? Let us know!

Resource Library Early Access Invite


Want to be part of something big? We're working on a new product and you can use it before anyone else. Watch this video for the full details:

Ready To Make Your Own Lead Magnet?

Make sure those lead magnets are ready on YOUR timetable. Create a Beacon account today and you'll have your first lead ready magnet in minutes.

Create A Free Lead Magnet