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<h1 style="color: #000 !important;">Abstract 20150407</h1>
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<p><strong><의공학연구소 정례세미나></strong></p><p><strong>연자 : 양세정 박사 (이화여대 의료원)</strong></p><p><strong>주제 : 융합의학연구원 소개 및 바이오의료영상처리 연구</strong></p><p><strong>일시 : 4월 7일 화요일 17:00~</strong></p><p><strong>장소 : 아산생명과학연구원 교육연구관 4층 회의실 </strong></p><p><strong><br></strong></p><p>In this talk, I will firstly introduce Ewha
Institute of Convergence Medicine and the open innovative R&DB platform for
Ewha Womans University Hospital. Then, I will present recent studies on
biomedical image processing as follows. </p><ul><li>1.Lesion
detection and segmentation for auto-diagnosis of melanoma using a dermoscopy</li></ul><ul><li>2.Template
creation of MRI and PET-CT for disease evaluation techniques the Parkinson’s
disease model using primates</li></ul><ul><li>3.Accuracy
improvement for fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy using noise modeling
and compressive sensing technique</li></ul><p>I will present the research progress for the
above three topics and show experimental results.</p><p><img src="http://beacon.by/uploads/552cce616a327.PNG"></p><p><img src="/uploads/552cce7a6dc6a.PNG"></p><p><img src="/uploads/552cce88ae6e1.PNG"></p><p><img src="/uploads/552cce979becf.PNG"></p><p><img src="/uploads/552ccea9f12ad.PNG"></p>
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