<div class="page side-photo"> <article> <div class="image" style=" background-color:#fff; background-image:url(/uploads/556653a8dd095.png); "></div> <div class="container" style="background-color: #fff;"> <header style="font-family: Oswald; color: #000;"> <h1>Interview with Victoria Buda, member of YouthBank Soroca, Republic of Moldova</h1> </header> <!-- /header --> <div class="main"> <p class="summary" style="color: #000;">In this interview Victoria Buda shares her YouthBank adventure. Aged 18, she did not hesitate when he was asked to join Youth Bank Soroca. Since September 2014 she has been involved in a series of fundraising activities and has seen the most amazing ideas become a reality. The most exciting and popular activity she attended was the Christmas Caravan, when presents were collected for children from vulnerable families and Soroca YouthBank created a festive atmosphere with fairytale heroes for those small children.</p> <p><img src="/uploads/5566539a88deb.jpg"></p><p><strong>Describe Soroca YouthBank in five words.</strong></p><p>Accountability. Striving. Effort. Experience. Hard work.</p><p><strong>How did you first hear of YouthBank?</strong></p><p>In 2014, the Deputy Director of "A. Puskin"&nbsp;high school&nbsp;, Violeta Andriuţă, asked me if I wanted to represent our school by getting involved in YouthBank. YouthBank&nbsp;Soroca's&nbsp;coordinator explained the project and what it means. I liked it and I realized that I would like to get involved and know more. And I was not disappointed. Thanks to this project, many young dreams come true and good ideas continue to be funded. For me, YouthBank Soroca has become a platform for change and an opportunity to invest in the community to which I belong.</p><p><strong>What was your motivation to become a member YouthBank?</strong></p><p>Simple. New knowledge, extensive experience and new friends, with whom I hope to keep in touch after the project.</p><p><strong>Describe the context of YouthBank activity: do you see any change in the community?</strong></p><p>This project&nbsp;opens new opportunities and directions in life for&nbsp;young people from Soroca. Young members like to keep traditions alive and organize various activities, like the flash mob on 1 March or the Christmas Caravan. All those involved youth of various ages and ethnicities.</p><p><strong>What is your role in the YouthBank team?</strong></p><p>In the team we support each other. Personally, I have had various responsibilities, for instance I have been a &nbsp;photographer and an administrator. It was not only fun but my colleagues complimented me and told me that I could handle it. I will not have difficulties in choosing my profession! Other activities included a Halloween Party, a Hair Styling Party, the Apple Festival, Lottery Dragobete Day... and more is going to happen!</p><p><strong>What other problems does YouthBank solve?</strong></p><p>YouthBank Soroca helps young people to develop as individuals and to take advantage of all the opportunities they are offered. It encourages young people to discover new powers and ideas. Because we have a common goal, fundraising, we learn to save and spend money wisely.&nbsp;</p><p>Being a volunteer, not asking anything in return for our work, we develop our altruistic spirit.&nbsp;</p><p>We also have the opportunity to contribute and support projects implemented under the Small Grants Program for youth. Thus, we supported many projects for young people which made visible changes in society. The purchase of projectors,a &nbsp;laptop, a TV and other technical support has awakened a desire in young people to do more extracurricular activities. All these are a big step forward for us. In the second edition of the Small Grants Program 7 initiative, groups have received financial support from 42 applicants.</p><p><strong>How has YouthBank changed your vision of life? </strong></p><p>Firstly, I use computers as an information source. I do not live in the virtual world and interact more, I have more friends. I have improved my leadership qualities and have developed vocabulary by communicating with different people in other languages.</p><p><strong>How do you see the future development of your YouthBank?</strong></p><p>I think YouthBank will exist as long as people are in need of support from YouthBank. We believe that the YouthBank will never close down.<br>I think that development depends largely on the team. This should always be reviewed and youth members must be really active, unselfish and willing to grow and to change themselves first.</p> </div> </div> </article> </div><!-- /page-->


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