<div class="page side-photo"> <article> <div class="image" style=" background-color:#f2ee86; "></div> <div class="container" style="background-color: #f2ee86;"> <header style="font-family: Oswald; color: #333333;"> <h1>Editorial</h1> </header> <!-- /header --> <div class="main"> <p class="summary" style="color: #333333;"></p> <p><img src="/uploads/551c2601509f0_1110.jpg" style="width: 282px;">&nbsp;<br><em>By Vernon Ringland, YouthBank International Coordinator</em></p><p><strong>NIC101341...</strong></p><p>No this is not a secret code! We are very happy to announce that YouthBank International now has been granted official charitable status and this is our charity number.</p><p>So what does this mean?</p><p>Well it means legitimacy, visibility, credibility, meeting compliance regulations that satisfy donors' requirements. In a nutshell, YouthBank International is ready to enter a new phase in its development, building on the consistent work of our networks, affirming our presence globally and working towards, providing a safe learning environment&nbsp;for&nbsp;young people,&nbsp;wherever they live.&nbsp;</p><p>If we bring YouthBank network members together to learn, share, and build relationships of respect and trust then they can increase access to other resources to sustain their YouthBanks, be more effective and entrepreneurial in harnessing the energy and creativity of young people.</p><p>In turn, by increasing the value of participation, volunteering and activism at a local level young grant-makers will act, develop and express themselves in a leadership role, supporting more confident, resilient and sustainable communities with the ability to effect change.</p><p>In this issue, you will discover how young YouthBank members have translated their ideas into actions by adapting the YouthBank model's methods to their own cultural circumstances.&nbsp;</p><p>In the same spirit, YBI has been invited to be a member of a planning group convened by the New York-based&nbsp;<a href="http://www.grantcraft.org/">Foundation Center</a> to build an online hub for youth giving. This will be a sector-wide place for those working in youth philanthropy to learn and share by compiling, curating and creating ressources including case studies, videos and programme profiles.&nbsp;</p><p><strong>We need you!<br></strong>As you can see from reading our e-magazine, the contents are provided nearly entirely by our members. Simply, we cannot publish a magazine without you. So please send us articles, photos (with captions) and videos that reflect your life and interests as a YouthBank member.&nbsp;</p><p><strong>Please send your contributions to <a href="mailto:vernon@youthbankinternational.org">vernon@youthbankinternational.org</a> </strong></p><p>I am looking forward to reading you and wishing you a great summer!&nbsp;</p> </div> </div> </article> </div><!-- /page-->


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