<div class="page old_fullfixed"> <article> <header style="background-image:url(/uploads/52a05a9e6d49f.JPG);"> </header> <div class="main"> <p id="toggle"> <a href="#">Hide text</a> </p> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { BN.registerPlugin('showHide', function(){ if ($('body').hasClass('concentrix')) { return; } $('p#toggle').hide(); var postionLink = function() { $('p#toggle').hide(); window.setTimeout(function() { var top = ( $('.intro h1').length ) ? ~~($('.intro h1').offset().top) : 70; var h = $('p#toggle').height(); $('p#toggle').css('top', top - h); $('p#toggle').fadeIn('fast'); }, 1000); }; $(window).resize(function() { postionLink(); }); postionLink(); // $('p#toggle').show(); $('p#toggle a').bind('click', function() { $('.toggleContent').toggle('slow', function(){ var text = ( $(this).is(':visible') ) ? 'Hide Text' : 'Show Text'; if ($(this).is(':visible')) { $('p#toggle a').text('Hide Text') .removeClass('hidden') .addClass('invisible'); postionLink(); } else { $('p#toggle a').text('Show Text') .removeClass('invisible') .addClass('hidden'); } }); return false; }); }); }); </script> <div class="intro toggleContent"> <h1><span>Ballygally Castle Refurbishment Update</span></h1> </div> <div class="container toggleContent"> <p class="summary">As part of the on going developments Ballygally Castle closed in October to under go major refurbishment. With the Castle due to open in April 2014, General Manager, Stephen Perry gives an update on how work is progressing.</p> <p class="byline"> </p> <p> The Castle is transforming before our eyes, architects, Robinson and Sons are expertly handling our requirements as the project evolves and building contractor, John McCartan and his team are working tirelessly to keep everything on schedule. </p> <p> The steel structure work is now completed and the bricklayers are on site with the hope to have the Castle sealed from the elements by the end of December. </p> <p> Excitement is growing amongst local Ballygally Residents and most importantly our friendly ghost, Lady Isabella, appears very happy with the work so far and is keeping everyone up to date with pictures and videos on her blog <a href="http://www.rebuildingballygallycastle.com/">www.rebuildingballygallycastle.com</a>. </p> <p> Although the Castle is closed things have been very busy for staff. We have had a lot of interest from potential brides who have all been very impressed and excited about the new plans, pictures and samples we have shared with them. </p> <p> Please watch my short video below to find out more. </p> <iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/jWIC0YMjNZQ" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""> </iframe> </div> </div><!-- main--> </article> </div><!-- /page-->


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