<div class="page photo" style=""> <article> <header style=" background-image:url(/imageLibrary/service-428540_759.jpg); "> <div class="box"> <div class="intro" style="color: #5dddf2;"> <h1 style="color: #5dddf2 !important;">Research &amp; Product</h1> <p class="summary"></p> </div> </div> </header> <div class="main"> <div class="container"> <p class="byline"> </p> <p><img src="/uploads/548a3f5dd4eeb.jpg" unselectable="on"></p><p><strong>▣ 주요 국책 연구과제</strong></p><p><img src="/uploads/54af1742a71e7.JPG" unselectable="on"></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>▣</strong><strong>&nbsp;기타 신규 및 진행중인 국책 연구과제</strong></p><p><img src="/uploads/5493a578b80d5.JPG" unselectable="on"></p><p><strong></strong><strong><img src="/uploads/548802a643ed6.JPG" unselectable="on"></strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong></strong></p><p><strong></strong></p><p><strong><br></strong></p><p><strong><img src="/uploads/548a3f8f78d07.jpg" unselectable="on"></strong></p><p><strong>▣ 2014년도 4분기 신규 특허 출원 실적</strong></p><ol> <li>경피적 인공심장판막치환을 위한 임상의사결정지원 방법 및 시스템<br>10-2014-016298 (2014.11.25), Pending, South Korea, 양동현, 김남국, 김영학, 윤성한</li><li>생검 바늘 어셈블리<br>10-2014-0158174 (2014.11.13), Pending, South Korea, 서준범, 김남국, 이상민</li><li>장기의 동맥 및 정맥의 구분 방법<br>10-2014-0151346 (2014.11.03), Pending, South Korea, 김남국, 배장표, 서준범, 이상민</li><li>의료용 항법 장치 <br>10-2014-0135719 (2014.10.08), Pending, South Korea, 이상민, 김남국</li><li>경구당 부하 검사를 이용한 개인 맞춤 인체 내 장기 대사 기능 추출법</li><li>Pulse transit time 기반 심뇌혈관 질환 위험도 진단 방법 및 시스템</li></ol><p><strong>▣ 2014년도 4분기 신규 논문 실적</strong></p><ol> <li>Relationship between altitude and lithium in groundwater in the United States of America: results of a 1992-2003 study Rebekah S. Huber1, Namkug Kim 1,2, Carl E. Renshaw 3, Perry F. Renshaw 1,4,5 , Douglas G. Kondo1,4,5 Geospatial Health 9(1), 2014, pp. 231-235</li><li>Intravoxel incoherent motion MRI for liver fibrosis assessment: a pilot study. Chung SR, Lee SS, Kim N, Yu ES, Kim E, Kühn B, Kim IS. Acta Radiol. 2014 Nov 20. pii: 0284185114559763. [Epub ahead of print]</li><li>High Altitude Remains Associated with Elevated Suicide Rates after Adjusting for Socioeconomic Status: A Study from South Korea J Kim, N Choi, YJ Lee, H An, N Kim, HK Yoon, HJ Lee Psychiatry Investig. 2014 Oct;11(4):492-4. doi: 10.4306/pi.2014.11.4.492. Epub 2014 Oct 20. PMID: 25395983</li><li>Altitude May Contribute to Regional Variation in Methamphetamine Use in the United States: A Population Database Study TS Kim, DG Kondo, N Kim, PF RenshawPsychiatry Investig. 2014 Oct;11(4):430-6. doi: 10.4306/pi.2014.11.4.430. Epub 2014 Oct 20. PMID: 25395974</li><li>Which Combination of MR Imaging Modalities Is Best for Predicting Recurrent Glioblastoma? Study of Diagnostic Accuracy and Reproducibility. Kim HS1, Ju Goh M, Kim N, Choi CG, Kim SJ, Kim JH., Radiology. 2014 Dec;273(3):831-43. doi: 10.1148/radiol.14132868. Epub 2014 May 30.</li><li>Is Diffusion-Weighted MRI Useful for Differentiation of Malignant from Benign, Small, Non-necrotic Cervical Lymph Nodes in the Head and Neck Cancer Patients?, ?, Namkug Kim, Korean J Radiol. 2014 Nov;15(6):810-6. doi: 10.3348/kjr.2014.15.6.810. Epub 2014 Nov 7.</li><li>Personalized profile of insulin and glucose dynamics from the oral glucose tolerance test, Lee YB, Lee JH, Park ES, Kim GY, Leem CH. Prog Biophys Mol Biol. 2014 Sep;116(1):25-32. doi: 10.1016/j.pbiomolbio.2014.08.011. Epub 2014 Aug 23. PMID: 25157925</li><li>Effects of streptozotocin and unilateral nephrectomy on L-type Ca2 channels and membrane capacitance in arteriolar smooth muscle cells, Youm JB, Park KS, Jang YJ, Leem CH. Pflugers Arch. 2014 Sep 9. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 25196539</li><li>Modeling of stochastic behavior of pacemaker potential in interstitial cells of Cajal. Youm JB, Leem CH, Lee SR, Song IS, Kim HK, Heo HJ, Kim BJ, Kim N, Han J. Prog Biophys Mol Biol. 2014 Sep;116(1):56-69. doi: 10.1016/j.pbiomolbio.2014.09.002. Epub 2014 Sep 17. PMID: 25238716</li><li>Special issue on "Toward physiome based therapeutics", Leem CH, Shim EB, Noble D. Prog Biophys Mol Biol. 2014 Sep;116(1):1-2. doi: 10.1016/j.pbiomolbio.2014.11.001. Epub 2014 Nov 15. PMID: 25454286</li></ol><p><strong><img src="http://beacon.by/uploads/548802b713e4b.JPG" unselectable="on"></strong></p> </div> </div> </article> </div><!-- /page-->


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