<div class="page photo" style=""> <article> <header style=" background-image:url(/imageLibrary/droplets.jpg); "> <div class="box"> <div class="intro" style="color: #000;"> <h1 style="color: #000 !important;">Abstract 20150317</h1> <p class="summary"></p> </div> </div> </header> <div class="main"> <div class="container"> <p class="byline"> </p> <p><strong>&lt;의공학연구소 정례세미나&gt;</strong></p><p><strong>연자 : 김형민박사 (KIST)</strong></p><p><strong>일시 : 3월 17일 화요일 17:00~</strong></p><p><strong>장소 : 아산생명과학연구원 교육연구관 4층 회의실&nbsp;</strong></p><p><strong>Image-guided navigation for non-invasive neuromodulation using low-intensity focused&nbsp;</strong><strong>ultrasound</strong></p><p><strong><introduction></introduction></strong></p><p>Focused ultrasound (FUS) is an emerging non-invasive neuromodulation modality, which has a&nbsp;superior spatial specificity and penetration depth over the conventional non-invasive&nbsp;neuromodulation techniques, such as transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) or transcranial&nbsp;direct current stimulation (tDCS). Recently, low-intensity pulsed FUS was shown to either excite&nbsp;or suppress the region-specific brain functions in animals (rodents and rabbits). In order to&nbsp;translate the neuromodulatory evidences of FUS to large animals and humans, we were motivated&nbsp;to develop an image-guided navigation system, which can provide overlaid focal location of&nbsp;single-element FUS transducer in real-time onto the pre-acquired multi-modal neuroimaging data.</p><p><strong><materials methods="" and=""></materials></strong></p><p>The software was implemented in C , based on an open source library (IGSTK: Image-Guided&nbsp;Surgery Toolkit) and a cross-platform application and graphical user interface (GUI) framework&nbsp;(QT). Multi-modal neuroimaging data in DICOM format, e.g. computed tomography (CT),&nbsp;magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), functional MRI (fMRI), and diffusion tensor imaging (DTI),&nbsp;can be imported. The operator can define entry and target points of the desired sonication paths,&nbsp;based on the anatomical and functional neuroimaging data. The real-time spatial information of&nbsp;FUS transducers, reference tracker, and pointer are tracked by optical tracking camera (Vicra,&nbsp;Northern Digital Inc., ON, Canada). The real-time overlay of the sonication focus on pre-acquired&nbsp;medical imaging modalities can be provided, whereby the focal location of the FUS transducer&nbsp;was pre-calibrated in term of optical tracking system. The quantitative information related to the&nbsp;desired sonication path (e.g. distance to target location) can be monitored while positioning the&nbsp;FUS transducer onto the specific area of the human brain.</p><p><strong><conclusion></conclusion></strong></p><p>According to the recent studies, the safe application of transcranial FUS to human brains seems&nbsp;promising by using low acoustic intensity and an appropriate pulsing scheme. The developed&nbsp;system will be useful in increasing accuracy in transcranial FUS to humans, which can be&nbsp;potentially used for various neurotherapeutic applications.</p><p><img src="/uploads/552cd02c9d4bd.PNG"></p><p><img src="/uploads/552cd0363b623.PNG"></p> </div> </div> </article> </div><!-- /page-->


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