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<h1 style="color: #000 !important;">Abstract 20150714</h1>
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<p><strong><의공학연구소 3D프린터 포럼></strong></p><p><strong>연자 : 유시준 교수(SickKids Hopital, Toronto)</strong></p><p><strong>주제 : 선천기형 심장 3D프린터 의료응용</strong></p><p><strong>일시 : 7월 14일 화요일 17:00~</strong></p><p><strong>장소 : 서울아산병원 동관 6층 5세미나실</strong></p><p><strong><br></strong></p><p><strong>Abstract :</strong></p><p> <strong>3D Printing for Congenital Heart Disease Surgery and
Intervention</strong></p><p> Most congenital heart diseases require
surgical treatment or, less frequently, catheter-based intervention. Although
modern imaging techniques provide accurate anatomical information, it can be a
difficult task for surgeons to precisely understand the surgical anatomy
demonstrated in medical images when the defect is complex. There can be a gap
between what the surgeons imagine from the provided images and what they
encounter at the time of surgery, which may lead to a wrong decision in the
worst case. In this regard, 3D print models are of paramount value as they
eliminate imprecise understanding of the surgical anatomy and provide the
surgeons with an opportunity to mentally or physically practice the procedure
they plan to perform. The most ideal imaging data for 3D printing is
high-resolution isotropic voxel data obtained with ECG-gating and
breath-holding or respiration navigation. Breath-held and ECG-gated CT
angiograms are the most commonly used data set. MR angiograms with ECG-gating
and respiration navigation obtained after injection of a blood pool contrast
agent provides uniform enhancement of the blood pool with the spatial
resolution comparable to CT angiograms. After acquiring the image data, a 3D
graphic model of the blood pool is reconstructed by using thresh-holding and
manual adjustment and the DICOM (Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine)file format is converted to the STL (Standard <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tessellation">Tessellation</a> Language or STereoLithography) file format using commercially available software programs. The
models of the cavities and vessels are reproduced using the 3D data of the
blood pool. The endocardial surface anatomy is reproduced by printing the shell
that is added on the outer surface of the blood pool. The inner surface of the
shell thus produced precisely represents the surgical scenes. </p><p>In our institution, we have utilized 3D
printing in over 50 patients with complex congenital heart disease in the last
5 years. The most common indication for
3D printing requests was for assessment of surgical anatomy for
intraventricular repair of complex forms of double outlet right ventricle. Less
frequent indications included so-called twisted or criss-cross heart, complex defects
in right or left isomerism and anomalous pulmonary venous return. This presentation will highlight the impact of
3D printing in congenital heart disease surgery and intervention. </p><p><strong><br></strong></p>
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