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<h1 style="color: #000 !important;">Abstract 20150602</h1>
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<p><strong style="background-color: initial;"><의공학연구소 정례세미나></strong></p><p><strong>연자 : 최우준(Univ. of Washington)</strong></p><p><strong>주제 : </strong><strong></strong><strong>Microstructure
and microvessel imaging using optical coherence tomography</strong></p><p><strong>일시 : 6월 2일 화요일 17:00~</strong></p><p><strong>장소 : 아산생명과학연구원 교육연구관 4층 회의실</strong></p><p><strong><br></strong></p><p><strong>Abstract:</strong></p><p><strong><br></strong></p><p>Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is an optical imaging tool that
provides noninvasive, micrometer resolution (<10µm) image of biological
samples. Over last decades, advance in OCT has revolutionized in biomedical imaging
by demonstrating possibility and feasibility of three-dimensional (3D) optical
biopsy for living intact samples in a variety of bio-science fields. In
addition to the anatomical imaging of OCT, recent functional OCT imaging has
shown a promise as angiography to map a 3D vasculature in tissue <em>in vivo</em> with no exogenous contrast. This
dual imaging mode of OCT enables simultaneous visualization of tissue
morphology and microcirculation of functional vessels at fast acquisition rate
(>100 frames/s). In this presentation, we introduce our several OCT and OCT
angiographic (OCTA) research works conducted using home-built OCT instruments in
laboratory. Application of OCT/OCTA in biomedical fields such as ophthalmology,
dermatology, neuroscience is presented and a new methodology for OCTA imaging is
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