<div class="page photo" style=""> <article> <header style=" background-image:url(/imageLibrary/droplets.jpg); "> <div class="box"> <div class="intro" style="color: #000;"> <h1 style="color: #000 !important;">Abstract 20150311</h1> <p class="summary"></p> </div> </div> </header> <div class="main"> <div class="container"> <p class="byline"> </p> <p><strong>&lt;의공학연구소 아산재활로봇포럼&gt;</strong></p><p><strong>연자 : 박형순 교수 (한국과학기술원 기계공학과)</strong></p><p><strong>주제 : 보급형 상하지 재활 시스템의 개발 및 적용</strong></p><p><strong>일시 : 3월 11일 수요일 17:00~</strong></p><p><strong>장소 : 아산생명과학연구원 융합연구관 7층 회의실</strong></p><p><strong><br></strong></p><p>The presentation will introduce three topics aimed at developing and applying cost-effective&nbsp;rehabilitation systems: 1) upper limb rehabilitation, 2) lower limb rehabilitation, and 3) assessment&nbsp;robots.</p><p>1. Robotic devices for upper limb rehabilitation</p><p>A novel 7 (active) 2 (passive) degree of freedom (DOF) exoskeleton robot, named as IntelliArm, for&nbsp;upper limb rehabilitation was developed for patients with neurological impairment. The 7 2 DOF&nbsp;IntelliArm was designed for allowing anatomically correct motions in the upper extremity especially&nbsp;at shoulder. It incorporated 18 axis forces/torques and 9 DOF positions in impairment characterization&nbsp;and subject-specific treatment.&nbsp;While the IntelliArm is fully equipped with multi-DOF sensors and actuators for full active&nbsp;operation at each joint, many customers (clinicians and patients) might not afford it since multi-DOF&nbsp;sensors and actuators result in high cost. For this reason, we designed low-cost, light weight and&nbsp;effective devices for upper limb rehabilitation. We have developed a simple passive mechanism to&nbsp;allow three DOF translations of shoulder joint while compensating gravity of any upper limb device</p><p>attached to it.&nbsp;Lastly, we developed light-weight hand rehabilitation device for easy attachment to existing upper&nbsp;limb devices considering that upper limb rehabilitation must allow patients to practice simultaneous&nbsp;movement of arm and hand. The Biomimetic Hand Exoskeleton Device (BiomHED) is actuated by&nbsp;exotendons that mimic the geometry of the major tendons of the hand.</p><p>2. A Novel Treadmill Interface for lower limb rehabilitation</p><p>Virtual reality (VR) technology along with treadmill training (TT) can effectively provide goaloriented&nbsp;practice and promote improved motor learning in patients with neurological disorders.&nbsp;Moreover, the VR TT scheme may enhance cognitive engagement for more effective gait&nbsp;rehabilitation and greater transfer to overground walking. For this purpose, we developed an&nbsp;individualized treadmill controller with a novel speed estimation scheme using swing foot velocity,&nbsp;which can enable user-driven treadmill walking (UDW) to more closely simulate overground walking&nbsp;(OGW) during treadmill training. We implemented the UDW using low-cost depth sensor and&nbsp;treadmill.</p><p>4. Assessment robots</p><p>In rehabilitation, reliable assessment is important not only for designing optimal rehabilitation&nbsp;program for individual patient but also for accurate evaluation of new rehabilitation tools or&nbsp;interventions. Specifically, we focused on spasticity assessment which is known to have poor interrater&nbsp;and intra-rater reliability. First, we used a manual spasticity evaluate to measure quantitative&nbsp;parameters (position, velocity, and resistance force) to build a mathematical model describing spastic&nbsp;elbow joint. Then, we developed a haptic device for simulating different spasticity models obtained&nbsp;from children with cerebral palsy. The haptic simulator can be used as a training tool for standardizing&nbsp;haptic feel during the spasticity assessment which will potentially improve reliability of clinical&nbsp;assessment. It also can be extended to tele-assessment of spasticity at patient’s home.</p><p><img src="/uploads/552db09823525.PNG"></p><p><img src="/uploads/552db0ab46dae.PNG"></p><p><img src="/uploads/552db0bf5f963.jpg"></p> </div> </div> </article> </div><!-- /page-->


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