Waldrop Communications Presents...
The fastest and easiest way to put together a sweepstake that your ideal customers will crawl through broken glass to get!
Waldrop Communications Presents...
The fastest and easiest way to put together a sweepstake that your ideal customers will crawl through broken glass to get!
So, you're looking to put together a local lead generation package that will attract hoards of your ideal customers! Way to go. In this brief resource guide, you're going to find some of the best ideas we've seen. Use them as fuel to your fire as you build a rock-solid campaign!
No matter if you're a local restaurant or window washer, we've got you covered!
You're going to get the Internet's best ideas for digital viral lead generation campaigns:
I'm excited about the possibilities that are in front of you. With this guide, you're going to have the power to drive targeted traffic to your shop and make more sales than you've thought possible with the smallest ad spend of any other type of campaign.
Bradley Waldrop
Bradley Waldrop
Waldrop Communications
(828) 367-7809
An entire bundle of your best selling products, each one gift wrapped and prepared for the next birthday, anniversary, graduation, or other special occasion. This gives your ideal customers a way to get a huge value and be someone else's hero!
Bundle your best service (or year's worth) with complimentary services from others in your industry. For instance, if you're a spa, then offer a package from the local massage therapist, health food store, and your "knock their socks off" service package.
How about a meal for two every month for an entire year! Or, what about the "Celebration Special", where it's a multi-course meal, special table, special service,, and an entire year's worth of experiences! Imagine the habit you'll form with the winner and the crowds trying to get it!
Imaging for a minute what would happen if you offered a HUGE shopping spree in your store for one lucky winner. Now, imagine how that would go down if you found a complimentary shop or two and went in on a multi-store shopping spree together! Wow, now that's an irresistible offer.
Let's give you the steady stream local leads that will give you the power to attract hoards of laser-targeted customers for a lifetime of profits!