If you’re in the process of building or revamping your website, you need content!
Your website content should speak for your company, knowing that it’s likely the first time your audience “hears” from you.
Many business owners opt to write their content, which can be a challenge if you’ve never written for the internet before.
This guide should provide some tips for getting started, so your content is professional, clean and serves the purpose of the site.
Before you start writing your content, you need to know what pages you’ll have on your website. While we’ll help you with that, it’s ultimately up to you to decide what pages your site needs to represent your business best. Make this decision before you begin writing.
We recommend the following pages on most starter websites:
You need to identify who your ideal audience is because that determines the tone you’ll take and the voice you’ll use as you’re writing.
If your perfect client is a corporate-based professional, your website will look and read much different than if it’s a stay-at-home mum or online entrepreneur.
Everyone has an opinion about how long each page should be. The reality is that it should be as long as it needs to be—no more and no less. As you’re writing, keep in mind that the copy needs to look visually pleasing on a web page. Aim for at least 300 words—enough to fill the body of the page. Any shorter and the page looks empty. Moreover, don’t be afraid to include some long-form text, within reason.
Longer pages need to be broken up with bullet points, subheadings and pull-quotes to help draw the eye of the reader to the most important points.
Your home page is your audience’s introduction to you (though they may not always find your website through your home page).
Here’s what you need to make your home page effective:
Depending on the size of your business, this page can include information about you, your team and
your business. The most important thing to remember is that this page is not the place to give visitors a run-down of your resume. They want to know how you can solve their problem.
Here’s what you need:
This is a statement that explains the overall offer. The quote below should help to reinforce this statement.
"After I spoke to the person who wrote this publication, I was able to charge more for my products and services. This helped me to win more customers and become the best in the business"
- Joe Bloggs