Self Motivation For Results
As far as self-motivation is concerned, it seems like everyone wants to have it. I guess we all want to be successful and we all want to see the best in our lives.
Why do we want to achieve this? Because it feels good. We all want that sense of success, but sometimes, self-motivation is not enough.
We must know that self-motivation can only be achieved by hard work. You need to train your mind and body to achieve success.
There are some areas in life where you can get good self motivation. It just takes the will to do the right things at the right time.
One of the best examples work is baseball. Here is a great way to get into the right frame of mind to try something new.
Take a baseball and throw it as hard as you can. When you miss a few times, start over. Throw harder and throw longer.
Soon, you will notice a difference in the way you feel. You will be excited about the game and even have fun from time to time.
The important thing is to give yourself a break. If you feel like you are not ready to throw a baseball farther, don't. You can always do it later.
Another example would be to practice that shot you take every time you are in the gym. Once you get good at it, move on to that next new shot, and so on.
Work on more than one thing at a time. That's how you increase your self-motivation.
Of course, when I say one thing at a time, I mean one exercise or another, not just playing a game. There is nothing wrong with having fun, but you must also have a purpose.