Congratulations, someone downloaded your eBook. This introduction is your chance to make sure that they actually read the book from cover to cover.
Jane Smyth
Jane Smyth (CEO & Founder)
Will this publication help people to:
Finish the introduction with a personal message to the reader. Speaking directly to your audience helps to show that the book was tailored for their individual needs.
Jane Smyth
Jane Smyth (CEO and Founder)
It's important to establish credibility with your reader at an early stage. Prove to people that they can trust your content.
It's hard to trust someone who you have never met. be sure to include a photo of the author so that readers can at least put a face to the name. if you are writing your ebook on behalf of a company you might want to include a team photo or a photo of the CEO.
What makes you an expert in your field? Why should someone read and trust the content in this book?
Have you gained this knowledge by working in the industry for a long time? Perhaps you achieved outstanding results based on the knowledge contained in this book.
Chapter 1
This is a short summary that should describe the main themes of this chapter.
Bruce Lee
This is a statement that explains the overall offer. The quote below should help to reinforce this statement.
"After I spoke to the person who wrote this publication, I was able to charge more for my products and services. This helped me to win more customers and become the best in the business"
- Joe Bloggs