ARP Limited knows that its people are our most valuable resource, therefore their health, safety and welfare is of paramount importance to the well-being of our business.
We understand that the most successful way to manage safety and health is to integrate it into our normal business activities. This is achieved by educating our staff in the principles of health and safety, and defining their health and safety responsibilities within the business. To further reinforce our positive health and safety ethos, we ‘performance manage’ health and safety, as we do for any other business function. We believe that this approach allows us to keep to a minimum; workplace injuries, ill health, and it reduces unnecessary losses and liabilities to the business.
ARP is committed to:-
Complying with all applicable health and safety legislative and regulatory requirements.
Providing and maintaining safe plant, safe work equipment and safe systems of work.
Minimising the risk to health in connection with the use, handling, storage and transport of articles and substances.
Providing suitable information, instruction, training and supervision to our staff and those that carry out work on our behalf.
Providing a safe place of work, together with a suitable means of access and exit for our staff, suppliers and customers.
Providing a safe and healthy working environment.
Providing adequate welfare facilities for all staff, whether at our head office or on site.
Setting occupational health and safety objectives to continually improve our overall occupational health and safety performance.
We require all our employees to take reasonable care for their own health and safety and that of others who may be affected by their actions or omissions, and co-operate with management and their colleagues, to ensure compliance with all legislative requirements and standards and our health and safety policies and procedures.
The Directors and Senior Management Team are committed to developing a positive ethos that promotes, and continually improves its health and safety at all levels within the Company. We shall ensure that the necessary financial and physical resources are made available, that our employees are competent in the activities they undertake, and that necessary expert advice required to support our health and safety policy is made available in a timely manner.
Our health and safety performance will be periodically monitored and our performance and objectives will be subject to annual reviews.
Steve Dann
Managing Director
Date: Nov 2017
Reviewed date: Jun 2014