Here's your guide to blog titles and headlings
One of the most important parts of creating a blog is the blog title or headline. The blog title needs to sell the content and emotionally connect you to your reader.
We want the headline to make the reader stop and want to engage. Your blog title is the first thing that creates a connection with your brand.
Dale Darley
Each blog article will have a goal:-
• Traffic -driving people to your content and therefore products and services. This will raise brand awareness
• Engagement - getting people to comment and take other actions. This will build relationships with your readers
• Conversion - signing up or purchasing something. This will help you to create new customer relationships
You are not alone if you have struggled to create blog titles. I often come up with snazzy titles and then when I go to my go-to headline tools feel disappointed that they do not rate my brilliance.
Rather than getting caught up with creating the best blog title I do the best I can while keeping my brand voice and goals in mind. The key is to not force yourself into ‘what the experts say’ at the cost of losing your voice.
The tools I use to check before I create blogs titles are:-
Google keyword tool- Keyword research tool
Ubersuggest – is an aggregator and will suggest and show you 100’s of keywords and blogs
Answer the public – is a tool for giving you lists of potential questions around your keyword
Buzzsumo – shows you what content is working and being shared
These also make great give-aways. When you have written your ultimate guide to, turn it into a PDF and ask for an email so that your readers can download and read at their leisure.
Substitute ultimate with Comprehensive, Complete, Definitive, Practical, A To Z, Quick Start, Cheat Sheet, Step by Step Guide to, Survival Guide to…
List Posts
People love lists. These make great content and show off your ideas.
These are great ways to answer questions. These are one of my favourite kind of blog. When you are writing a book you can split each chapter down into:-
When you have written that out you can brainstorm blog titles and create informative blog articles which get your chapter written and your readers engaged.
Search engines also love “how to” articles since many people are searching for answers and solutions to their problems.
Curiosity Answering The Why Question
Another way to connect with your reader is to answer why questions. Think about why your reader would need to know something. You want to pique their curiosity and demonstrate that you have another perspective on the problem.
This is where you can make money from affiliate marketing. Think about what would make sense and link to your book idea. I might review products like Grammarly, Scrivener, iMindMap and Camtasia.
If you spend too much time thinking about a thing, you'll never get it done.
Bruce Lee
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