
100 Ways ​​To Use Technology in Physical Education.

Fun & Fitness

  1. Generate a random workout for your students with Swork It
  2. Complete a Pilates session with
  3. Play fitness bingo using the Classroom Roulette app
  4. Getting your students jumping rope with Jump It
  5. Use the Move It Chrome Extension to get active during static classroom sessions
  6. Take an active break with the ClassBreak app
  7. Get active with Sweat Deck
  8. Conduct the beep test with music using Music Beep Test
  9. Crank endless workout music with Fit Radio
  10. Hide exercise monsters in your school and have students hunt them down with Monsuta Fitness
  11. Use the FitBreak app to discover 45 games and activities designed for fun and fitness in PE
  12. Get your group balances on with Balance It
  13. Introduce Yoga with Cosmic Kids Yoga
  14. Find a PE Game to play with a shake of a device with PE Shake




  1.  Slo down a discrete skill with SloPro 
  2.  Compare a beginner to an elite athlete with Hudl Technique
  3. Offer a hands free instant replay with Video Delay on iOS & Android
  4. Offer a hands free instant replay on Chromebook with Replay It
  5. Create a highlight reel using Video Tagger
  6. Turn an elite performer into a looping animated GIF using Loop It
  7. Create a strobe motion video using Clipstro
  8. Use GroupClip to record a multi angle video on sports game or activity
  9. Use DMD vClone to create a video with the same person or object appearing in more than a single place, as if they are clones.
  10. Have an injured or non participant record and edit an advocacy video highlighting your PE class using iMovie 
  11. Turn any YouTube clip into a gif by placing ‘gif’ in front of the youtube URL and hitting ENTER
  12. Showcase videos to a Big Screen using a ChromeCast or Apple TV
  13. Have your class Go Live using Facebook Live or Periscope
  14. Strap a GoPro to a student during gameplay for first person action
  15. Fly a Drone over a game to see an epic top down perspective


Assessment & Evaluation

  1. ​Collate a student portfolio with SeeSaw
  2.  Capture formative assessment with plickers
  3.  Use Kahoot to create an engaging quiz
  4. Socrative to test pre content knowledge
  5. Google forms for simple quizzes
  6. Create dynamic documents using google forms responses using Autocrat 
  7. Use the app iDoceo to capture assessment data tied to students
  8. Use a QR Code in a Google form to assess student skills 
  9. Take your students through an engaging presentation with Nearpod
  10.  Create an electronic bulletin board with Padlet
  11. Teach anything to anyone from anywhere with Educreations


  1. ​Have students collaborate on a written piece in Google Docs
  2. Collate & graph and entire classes heart rate response in Google Sheets
  3. Have students showcase their knowledge with Google Slides
  4. Create an online classroom environment with Google classroom
  5. Have students draw anatomical diagrams using google drawings
  6. Create a school or classroom website with google sites
  7. Create a digital portfolio of student achievement using the google drive folder structures and the mobile apps
  8. Generate hundreds of student certificates in seconds using google sheets and autocrat addon
  9. Capture ongoing student observations from a google form to a google document with docAppender
  10. Use the formmule addon to send mail merge emails 
  11. Create a self grading quiz with Flubaroo for Google Forms
  12. Build a collaborative calendar for you and your students to track key events

Active Gaming

  1. Slay the monsters using real world physical activity with Dungeon Runner
  2.  Outrun the Zombies apocalypse with Zombies, Run
  3.  Turn your everyday walks into a world saving adventure with The Walk
  4. Exercise and save the planet with Superhero Workout
  5. Complete a 7 Minute Workout 
  6. Play a Game of Motion Tennis using your iPhone as the racket
  7. Explore the real world while exercising on a cardio machine with BitGym

Augmented & Virtual Reality

  1. Create an augmented reality treasure hunt with
  2. Wear a  Virtuali-tee and point the app to see inside the internal organs
  3. Place a augmented reality model into the real world with Human Anatomy Atlas
  4. Test your speed and agility with AR runner
  5. Measure a long jump without a tape measure using MeasureKit and Augmented Reality
  6. Take an immersive tour of the human heart on your kitchen table with Insight Heart
  7. Build interactive posters and flyers with Aurasma 
  8. Create a VR experience with
  9. Play a virtual reality soccer game with Final Kick VR
  10. Watch an immersive 360 degree video with a VR headset to experience what it’s like


  1. ​Have students collaborate on a written piece in Google Docs
  2. Collate & graph and entire classes heart rate response in Google Sheets
  3. Have students showcase their knowledge with Google Slides
  4. Create an online classroom environment with Google classroom
  5. Have students draw anatomical diagrams using google drawings
  6. Create a school or classroom website with google sites
  7. Create a digital portfolio of student achievement using the google drive folder structures and the mobile apps
  8. Generate hundreds of student certificates in seconds using google sheets and autocrat addon
  9. Capture ongoing student observations from a google form to a google document with docAppender
  10. Use the formmule addon to send mail merge emails 
  11. Create a self grading quiz with Flubaroo for Google Forms
  12. Build a collaborative calendar for you and your students to track key events

Useful Tools

81 Time sprint races with incredible accuracy using SprintTimer
82. Time your start reaction time using using sprintStart
83. Measure your vertical jump using the What’s My Vertical App
84. Create engaging classroom posters with Canva
85. Take 25 photos of your PE class and have animoto create an epic video montage with music
86. Have you students produce an infographic of their knowledge with Piktochart
87. Create an engaging worksheet using Comic Life
88. Use Care Monkey to organise your permission letters and notes home
89. Have an injured student complete stats using SwipeStats
90. Measure your heart rate from your mobile device using Cardiio
91. Get your students calm and focused with smiling mind
92. Showcase the rules of a new game with Coach Note
93. Easily create brackets by categories, and share brackets with people via email and social networks with the Bracket App
94. Test your sprint speed using the fitnessmeter app
95. Download YouTube clips for offline play at
96. Create a PE Newsletter with Smore
97. Track the time, speed and much more of your run with Runkeeper
98. Create a QR Code using
99. Create a QR Code treasure hunt using the Class Tools Website
100. Become a better PE Teacher by engaging and learning on twitter 

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