Congratulations, someone downloaded your eBook. This introduction is your chance to make sure that they actually read the book from cover to cover.
Your introduction should be no more than one page long so that a busy person can scan read and still get a good idea of the overall message.
What are the main benefits that a reader will receive from this book? How will the knowledge in this book help them to improve?
Finish the introduction with a personal message to the reader. Speaking directly to your audience helps to show that the book was tailored for their individual needs.
Jane Smyth
It's important to establish credibility with your reader at an early stage. Prove to people that they can trust your content.
Your Expertise
What makes you an expert in your field? Why should someone read and trust the content in this book?
Have you gained this knowledge by working in the industry for a long time? Perhaps you achieved outstanding results based on the knowledge contained in this book.
Use this area to briefly describe the contents of this chapter. It will help when people are quickly browsing through the book.
"A goal is not always meant to be reached, it often serves simply as something to aim at."
Bruce Lee
This is a short paragraph that should encourage people to click the link below.
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