Your student account
Version Updated 3/15/2022

Version Updated 3/15/2022
CustomCollegePlan is the name of the account you will log into to work with your counselor throughout the college admissions process. It's easy to get started!
You'll receive an email containing an activation link. Simply click on the link, and set up a password. If you'd like your parent or guardian to have access to your account, be sure to tell them your username (email) and password.
The first page you'll see is the Dashboard. You can get started reading messages from your counselor, researching colleges, and more.
Forgot your password?
No worries! Simply click the "Forgot Password?" link on the login page to receive a password reset email.
Visit different pages of your account by clicking the tabs on the left.
Whether you're using a mobile phone, tablet, or your laptop/desktop computer, your CustomCollegePlan account can be accessed at any time.
Your counselor will mostly take it from here, but below are some things you can do once you have access to CustomCollegePlan:
Having a technical problem? Click the Report an Issue button to send a message to the CustomCollegePlan support team.