Social Media

(Image above is from Pinterest)

Facebook Groups & Twitter Feeds

Log into Facebook and go straight to the groups that have to do with your niche. You have five minutes. So if you’re a blogger that writes about gardening, head to your garden groups. See what people are posting about, what questions they’re asking, and what problems they need solved. 10 ideas.

Then, head over to Twitter for 5 minutes. Type in a hashtag or two related to your industry. #blogging #organization #diy #parenting #homeschooling – Scroll the Twitter feed to see what questions people are asking, what they’re retweeting, and what problems they need help solving. 10 ideas.

Do the same thing on Pinterest, Instagram, and even Google Plus.

I really like using Pinterest for ideas because of their keyword search. If you put one term into the search bar, several others will pop up - just like on Google!

You can do this on any social media platform, search engine, etc. The key is just to keep looking for ideas, writing them down, and expanding on them.

Time: 5 minutes for each platform
Ideas: 10x however many platforms you use