Congratulations, someone downloaded your video lookbook. This introduction is your chance to make sure that they know why you included these particular templates.
Your introduction should be no more than one page long so that a busy person can scan read and still get a good idea of the overall message.
What are the main benefits that a reader will receive from these videos? What will the videos help them to achieve?
Finish the introduction with a personal message to the reader. Speaking directly to your audience helps to show that the book was tailored for their individual needs.
Jane Smyth
Your Name Goes Here
Use this text to describe the video below. What is it and why did you include it in this particular lookbook?
This introduction is slightly larger than the main body text to help catch the reader's attention. This can be helpful for summarising the key ideas contained on this page.
Use this space to guide people towards the next stage in the buying cycle. Encourage them to click the button below.