Psychic Strain
A Collection of Poems for Mental Health Week 2018
Psychic Strain
A Collection of Poems for Mental Health Week 2018
I am sat in my Bristol flat in a fluffy dressing gown, it is later than I would like to say. I still have not made it out for that run I was going to start the day with, in fact I have not yet had breakfast. Making positive choices with our mental health at heart is not easy, some days the feat is insurmountable. This week is Mental Health Awareness Week and I wanted to make an offering, plus learn how to make an e-book.
Bristol’s Five a day wellness campaign aims to focus on prevention, stamp out the stigma and signpost support services available. The idea is based around five principles; connect, be active, take notice, learn and give. I was wondering how many of those principles can be covered just by writing and reading poetry, I would argue it is nearly all of them. If I was persuaded to make an audio book instead then all bases could be covered, it might just motivate me to go on that run.
This short pamphlet contains a piece of writing about dancing with the trees and five short poems, I hope within the words you find some solidarity, perspective and beauty.
Tom Burgess
Dancing With The Trees
Still night clean with wholesome energy. Fresh air set against cloudless silk. The dark and unbroken sky somehow smiling calm. I walk amongst a gentle garden with thoughts that mirror the night, ethereal nostalgic shimmers. Swaying emotion is charged and piled up in a wave like rhythm. Emotion stored to overflow on nights like this one. I find myself smiling and then soon I am dancing. Only me, no one to watch as I dance like I did as a toddler, for the sensation and moment. The joyous shedding of my disfigured heart, shrugging off the overwhelming absence of meaning. Sliding with the confusion of these days, shaking and stomping in step with the clarity of a single instant. Layer after layer of my decrepit uncertainty peeling back. Underwater feelings coming up to the surface finding a current in which to flow. Yes, I am lost, yes, I am enduring the agony of growing up, yet in the garden earphones in I am dancing.
This inner upwelling gives way to a more reflective exercise. Earphones out I greet the trees to find sound mind waiting. Each sense engages with solidity and the natural presence before me. Hands massage the groves and breaks of the bark. Forehead pressed into the steady smell, everything speaking to a stillness hidden in me. I imagine the trees as healers, I feel parts of my brain leap into place, reconfiguring. Here, I believe the trees to be on my team and hug each one. I leave in gratitude knowing we are one, a system that is not mine to own only dance with.
On Low
The spell of sadness set in
A slow magic pervades my every angle
Fog of my essence
blanket like
A hopeful reality threadbare
Cloaked in brutal alternatives
Where wind gets in to incantate
the harshly true
So cold the prism left to see through
Looking for Strength
Beads of rain race
down electric wires
Fanned out from pylon, tracks form for waters rush
The precious glimmer of each dash
charged with suspense
Without warning they plummet
Gravity’s kiss irresistible
I watch in a window of endless time
On multiple lines new translucent capsules emerge
Poised for their tight rope show
hesitant at first
Then in sheer delight at the thrill of life
They run in parallel lines
Clinging on
Gathering drops of water until the moment they fall
When at their fullest
Ripe wet jewels find my forehead
A blessing
Nature’s gift
One Day at a Time
I am lying in the foetal position
Oblivions scrutiny screws with me
Such chaos leaves nothing to trust
Inner cold claims every good thing
Wounded by sudden thoughts
Headlines designed as weapons
In icy focus
Internal entanglement an insatiable trap
There is nothing I can say
I cry out with gibberish trying to sidestep language
Longing to utter answers unknown
Somehow the bonds must loosen and truth disperse desperation
Eventually sleep
With it the secret ordering of my mind
The morning a cave
To carve out the future again
Dissolving Walks of Ecstasy
What remains is a voice that was always there.
A nothing that needs not
a filling or stilted explanation.
Less thinking, mind sinking into a wider field of being.
A silenced sentience this lovely loosening
All is hungry
Yet woods beckon
The track winds to its end.
Sun on skin, back on
Back gone.
No path now,
just the quite tread of a new slower rhythm.
Desire changes its intensity, here drink
Anxiety stilled, no rush to remain quenched
No straining to hear the only sound that is.
Drenched in oneness
immerse into tune green and sunlight
the dance of dust pulses, sways with heat
filling lungs and senses.
Each step a deepening, bodily tingling of peace
and pleasure now entwined, indistinguishable
flung with time on air
Dissolving walks of ecstasy
Fling into surrender.
Is there a home inside my head
A place of ease to sit
among wiring and chemical stains
Hammered by thought
I search the folds of this brain
Wait as tissue parts
Space made for breath
A moment of calm
His jaw is tight
Back twisted with emotion
Holding nameless anguish
Forgotten promises stitched in to sinew
His jaw is tight
And spine not straight
His mind a hallway of noiseless pain
Inexplicable the lies of dismay
Unknown truths yell from his body
By day posture and gait betray his calm
At night
A writhing body on a bed of worry
Turning over a soul of secrets
He prays for dreams of wisdom
And the unconscious healing of a fractured heart
Practicing passive compliance to a benevolent universe
Eyes shut
Longing for a quiet Savior of the night
A surgery that knits together the frayed edges of meaning and brings wholeness
Though all this is work that waits for morning
Self-repair not found in sleep but the cold light of day
In every single decision
His jaw is tight
He has to concentrate to keep it lose
Faking peace
In a tunnel of receding light
the day breaks and bleeds life
He turns over
Even on a good day his jaw is tight
He remembers his bright past
Which he worships and mourns after
Sacrificing the future on the alter of an insatiable void
Everything signposts the death of a lighter self
Yet in moments
Echoes and whispers mingle to beckon him on
Into a place of fragile hope
A self not dead but in hiding
Not disfigured but changed
Paint Yourself
If you enjoyed reading these poems you might also like my collection on sunsets. 'Paint Yourself' is a journey into sunsets. Across continents; ideas and perception, for renewed life.