It's Un-complicated Bonus Material

Jump-Start Life Hacks for a move toward Health Improvement.

Un-complicated Nutritional

Life Hack

Start eating well today. The right food in the right amounts at the right time all of the time.

Here’s how

Begin to view food as neutral, neither Good nor Bad.
We’ll discus the vast variables in nutrient quality in foods at another time. For the moment, suspend judgment on the macro and micro nutrient quality of foods. Welcome to a new relationship with food. A relationship where you are in charge, never again to be surprised, caught off guard or fooled by food again.

Approach food like you do a Traffic Light. Skilled and assured. Driving relaxed and ready, alert and prepared to make needed adjustments.

Approach food similarly. Plan to eat. Eat, but choose wisely. Alert and observant to any element that would call for a needed change in speed or direction while approaching food.

Green - Full speed ahead, but be alert. Be aware of circumstances and your surroundings. This food is a green light - Lean, green and marine, fruits and vegetable, whole grains, nuts, legumes, lean meats (in small amounts), low to no sugar, healthy fats (olive oil, avocado, nuts, fish). Enjoy.

Yellow - Approach and proceed with caution. Increased awareness of your surroundings. Slowing slightly you are ready to stop if necessary. This food is a flashing yellow light - Energy bars, energy drinks, pasta dishes, breads, foods labeled Low-Fat, serving size deceptions (you may have just had 4 servings), food served at times that do not match your needs.

Red - Stop. Look. Listen. Is this the best you can do? What are your options? Could you do better? Stop, turn around and improve your selection. This food is a Red light - Fast Food. Greasy, fatty, sugary, too much of any food, most things in a Prue-packaged box, things your great- Grandmother would not have recognized as food, candy, sweets and cakes, chips and Adult beverages to excess.

Be alert around food as you are alert behind the wheel of a car. Distracted drivers are a great danger to themselves and all whom they approach. Distracted eaters put themselves at risk by neglecting attention the timing, type or amount of food that best advances their health.

Un-complicated Exercise

Life Hack

Begin today to strengthen your heart, lungs, muscles and bones, increase your energy level, as you burn off excess calories.

Here’s how.


Begin today to set time aside for an exercise walk. Daily. 7 days a week. Begin today. Wear comfortable and appropriate clothing for the weather conditions. Tomorrow and each day following, for the next 30 days go far a walk. Each day increase the distance over the previous day’s amble.

Begin. If only for just two minutes. That’s 60 seconds out and away form your front door and back again. Begin and continue to increase each day. Not big increases but noticeably further. Continue adding time or distance to your exercise walk each day. In time you will likely find yourself walking not just further but faster as well.

For an added boost - though we do want to keep the whole process un-complicated - keep track of your progress in writing and share the results with a trusted encourager.

As with any new exercise program speak with your doctor before any significant increase in activity or exercise intensity. going beyond your current activity intensity.

Un-complicated Stress Management Life Hack

Response to stress remains an individualized phenomenon.

We all have times where demand continues to out-pace supply. Patience is tested, energy drained, and hopes crushed. Mentally, emotionally, physically, and beyond count on being challenged. Though we all encounter times of high demand and “stress”, not all occurrences of difficult or high expectations lead to negative stress.

Here is not the place to assign merit to any given level of stress. Only to admit that a negative toll has continued to be taken and something needs to change.

The Hack.

1. Never. Never, face this demand alone.
2. Repeat #1.
3. Reduce the demand – Clarify outcome expectations of self and others.
4. Set new boundaries that can be maintained with a plan to reassess.
5. Practice saying “Yes. I can do that. But not right now.”
6. Increase capacity – Your attentive control to 100% of your response - (exercise, journal, meditation, skill building, improve sleep.)
7. Accept entrenched and immovable circumstances as part of the landscape.
8. Somethings you can change. Embrace personal responsibility.
9. Others you can not change. (You do not have to fight - everything.)
10. Pray for the wisdom to know the difference.

It is amazing to see that those who have nothing to do, want to do it with you when you are busy.

Un-complicated QUIT

Life Hack

Smoking? Really?! I thought everybody knew...

The habit of tobacco is a monster. A killer.
So much has been done to help educate and assist people reach QUIT status.
The organization Still A Problem encourages more. More education and more support to assist individuals in kicking the habit.

However you go about slowing and then stopping the killer habit of tobacco, start.


Select a methodology (check out the links) that connects well with your motivational and learning style.
Allen Carr’s Easy Way to Stop Smoking
The American Heat Association
Become An Ex (smoker)
Toss ‘em, blend ‘em, change or re-arrange ‘em, only start. Find your way to becoming successfully QUIT.

All the Best to you a you work toward your Health Improvement.