Step 2: Hacking Growth

Use a method I call "Facebook Funnel Hacking" - you can start seeing results asap!

2.1 - Identify Your Giants

I started the MEC from nothing. I didn't have an audience or a big following I just moved from another channel.

What did I have, though?

Influencers that my target audience was already following - and the strategy that allowed me to ethically source and attract members from those other groups by giving value to everyone.

Win win!

So, step one is to list out 10 influencers / competitors / leaders in your industry. The bigger and more engaged the audience they have the better.

Write down the links for their Facebook groups.

Check out the example I posted for you at the top of this section. That was one of my best source groups starting out.

You can also try it for complementary industry leaders. For instance, maybe you specialize in keto dieting - you can target people who specialize in functional fitness workouts and join their groups. Because the end goal on both ends is help, and your specialty supports theirs in getting you there.

Regardless, make your list!

This is your goldmine!

2.2 Turn On The Juice!

Now, remember that screenshot of the group at the top of this chapter?

That was one of the first groups I sources members from for the MEC. And I got CRAZY engagement when I posted in that group with the right types of content.

Eventually I was one of the recognized "leaders" of the group - and the owners never got upset about it because I was supporting their group's growth, engagement, and value instead of being salesy or sleazy.

So how did I get such good engagement, and attract those ideal members to my group?

-Wrote posts there very consistently with tons of value, stories, jokes, and inspiration for the young and business minded.

- When it struck up conversations, I'd add a bunch of the members as friends.

- They'd see my posts more frequently (FB notifies you when a friend of yours posts in a group you're both in ).

- And they're all come back to my profile funnel and stumble across the MEC where they'd join too because it complemented the values they were already after in the source group.

Make sense?

2.3 Facebook Funnel Hacking

Growing relationships in groups and creating content to post is not quick, easy, or simple to do.

It's VERY challenging, but I got really good at it. I'll teach more about quick & easy content hacks later - but for now let's get you some EPIC results ASAP with this little known networking hack I like to call "Facebook Funnel Hacking".

This is a screenshot from the engagement on a Gary Vaynerchuk post. He also appeals to a similar audience (young entrepreneurs) so his page is a great example for this.

You can go to any FB group or page, and find the people who are engaging with certain types of content.

HERE'S THE KEY PIECE: Find content that these publishers put out that is very similar to yours. Similar blog posts, tips, lead magnets, any of that. Once you've identified some of these perfect posts, click to see who engaged with them.

You'll get a dropdown menu of EVERY single person, and have the ability to ONE CLICK add them as friends.

That's just a piece of the secret sauce - but it will save you a ton of time and get your profile funnel from step 1 in front of hundreds of targeted people. I like to call it Facebook funnel hacking!

P.S. I prefer to add people who have mutual friends with me, not just random ones. You're more likely to connect with them and grow a relationship.