A word on dress code

Of course it's shallow to dwell on appearance too much, but it's worth considering what to wear.

A while ago I watched a public speaking competition. All of the contestants were excellent but one speaker stood out, not because she was better than the rest but because unfortunately she was wearing clanky jewellery with a lapel microphone. You could hear her clearly enough but the clunk, clunk, clunk of the necklace was just as distinct.

This can also be a problem in a broadcast interview. The camera operator or sound person will almost certainly want you to wear a mic, and it will pick up any noise nearby. So when preparing for a broadcast interview the first thing to watch for is anything noisy on your person.

A broadcast interview and a crisp white shirt?

When I media train in person I have a choice of shirts in which I look reasonably OK. The first is the old fallback, the crisp white shirt. The second is a selection of finely striped shirts - I kid myself they hide the middle-aged spread (if they don't, just don't tell me). Experience has told me, however, that neither is particularly good on video.

The stripes, though fine in person, can end up looking a little grey on a screen. The fine detail on the shirt ends up looking indistinct even in high definition; if someone's watching on their phone or other device it can actually look a bit grubby.

Brilliant white is better but not under studio lights. It can end up glaring at the camera, so the operator has to turn the lighting down or apply a filter - so I end up looking grey rather than the shirt! Off-white, pink, blue, are all good and will look fine in the studio.

Suit you, sir

The other thing to do is to wear something that fits and in which you're comfortable. Buying something particularly swish and wearing it for the first time, which is more of a problem for the female population than the "a suit always works" male contingent, can make people feel self-conscious.

For men like me (think "over 50") a decent suit is indispensable but be honest, does it really fit? It can be worth visiting a tailor. I have particularly square shoulders (tailors call this "squareback" which doesn't make me feel great) so off-the-peg suits always ruck up at the back. I started with A Suit That Fits (please note that's a sponsored link) and it's not as expensive as you might think (more than Marks and Sparks but less than a designer suit); many local tailoring establishments will be just as efficient at making something that works on your shape.

Finally, the newsreader Sir Trevor Macdonald always said it's a good idea to do your jacket up and sit on the tail, so it looks smooth. Bitter experience a little while ago says this works fine if you're reasonably slim and svelte; any signs of a belly and you'll look like a sack of potatoes. Without wishing to incriminate myself, I've been doing my interviews with the jacket undone lately!