
An interview on TV, radio or podcast can do your business a lot of good - this ebook will help you get it right.

Broadcast interviews can be daunting. I say that even though I'm the guy doing the interviewing most of the time; you might have seen my work in the New Statesman, Guardian and elsewhere. I've also been interviewed, for example when my social media book came out in 2009, and I know how fraught it can be. I've been regular on the BBC's newspaper review on TV and had regular slots on BBC Radio London.

I'm fine at it now but I've made my mistakes. There are a number of things you can do to help minimise the terror and better still, make your interview work for you. You're allowed to put your view and make your case. It's not a good idea to deflect questions, though. I've seen people ending up looking defensive and evasive when there's no need.

Get it right and your interview will serve you and your business well. This ebook is intended as a help; I also offer individual coaching sessions, but more on that right at the end. First here's a selection of hints and advice - I hope they're useful to you.

Guy Clapperton